
Pest Control Treatment

There is nothing more upsetting than a pest problem in your property. Whether you’ve got ants or cockroaches invading your kitchen, rats or mice in your cupboards, spiders on the ceilings OR TERMITES behind your walls eating away at the structure of your property – you need them dealt with quickly, cleanly, efficiently and effectively.

At ProPest we work with you to manage your current pest problems and reduce pest risk into the future.  A sound ProPest treatment has 5 major elements:

  1. A thorough inspection of the site and the correct identification of the pest problem.
  2. A treatment programme is developed to meet your specific needs.
  3. The initial treatment is carried out by one of our well trained and experienced technicians.
  4. You are provided with details of the treatment and any issues that were discovered and may help you reduce risk of future pest problems.
  5. A pest management program may be recommended for those properties with higher risk or on-going pest concerns.

We also conduct CHEMICAL PRE-CONSTRUCTION soil treatment for under slab to new buildings + supply & Install NON-CHEMICAL BARRIERS with accreditation for the KORDON Termite Barrier System.

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Get in touch

Office location:
Building 4, Unit 1
Section 38, Allotment 33
Pacific Palms Estate
Waigani, NCD

Postal address:
P.O Box 4232,
Boroko NCD 111,
Papua New Guinea

TOLL FREE: 180 3900
T: +675 325 3724 / 325 4842
F: +675 325 7551