
Why it is important for proper sanitary services to businesses

It is very crucial for businesses to regularly maintain the cleanliness and safety of their washroom environment. An important responsibility is providing proper bins to dispose of various washroom wastes safely.

Hazardous wastes, such as feminine sanitary wastes, have the potential to spread bacteria and germs, which can cause illness and contamination if not properly disposed of in the right bins. That is why the provision of feminine sanitary bins is important in female washrooms.

Here are 3 reasons why sanitary bins are important and why all workplaces should have them.

1. Hygiene & Cleanliness

Disposing of sanitary wastes such as pads and tampons is a sensitive issue. In providing the sanitary bins, female staff, as well as visitors, are not only able to discreetly and conveniently dispose of the sanitary wastes in a hygienic manner, but they are also preventing the spread of germs and unpleasant odours in the workplace.

You must also engage a professional and trained service provider to empty and regularly clean the bins. In doing so, you maintain the highest hygiene standards because the bins, including a professional disposal service, play a huge difference in the overall cleanliness and safety of the washroom environment.

2. Prevent plumbing problems

The non-existence of sanitary bins in workplace washrooms can lead to sanitary wastes being flushed down the toilets. This can lead to leaks, blockages, unpleasant odours and expensive repairs.

This is not the impression you want to create for your business reputation.

3. Legal Requirement

Local legislation on environmental protection, including waste management and disposal, does exist. Although no explicit texts refer to sanitary bins, in particular, it implies a Duty of Care for businesses or employers to provide accessible washroom services that include sanitary bins for sanitary waste disposal.

Whether you own a small business or manage a large office building, it’s your responsibility to ensure you stay on top of compliance.


Want to know more about our ProSan sanitary service? Contact our expert team today.

Article by: 

Martina Gaunala
Supervisor Technical & Training

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